Newborn Screening saves lives, and every baby deserves the same healthy start in life.
Newborn screening identifies disorders at birth, giving all children in Utah the best possible early intervention and care.
Newborn Screening in Utah is operated through the Utah Department of Health Newborn Screening Program. Testing is performed by Utah’s Public Health Laboratory and ARUP Laboratories.
The disorders screened for in Utah, are approved, and put into law, by the Executive Director of the Utah Department of Health. The Director is advised by the Newborn Screening Advisory Committee, an expert panel of clinical specialists, pediatricians, consumer advocates, patients, hospital representatives and ethicists.
Newborn Screening operates exclusively through the Newborn Screening kit fee. The kit fee is typically part of the hospital fees.
Births outside of the hospital setting are not exempt from the state law requiring Newborn Screening. Newborn Screening kits for this type of birth can be purchased directly through the Newborn Screening Program.
Contact Us (801) 584-8256